OPENING NEGATIVE A POSITIVE B NEGATIVE B NOTES REGISTER DECISION A DECISION B TOTAL AGAINST A: TOTAL AGAINST B: NOTES CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS NOTES: NEG A POS B NEG B% POS A TOTAL FOR A: TOTAL FOR B: LOGICAL DECISION = REGISTRATION INFO CONTINUE FINAL EXIT MS Sans Serif Courier MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif System MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier System System Script MS Serif MS Sans Serif MS Serif MS Serif MS Serif MS Serif MS Serif MS Serif MS Sans Serif MS Serif MS Serif Typewriter Black Typewriter Black Typewriter Black Typewriter Black MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Garamond Garamond MS Sans Serif REGISTER THIS PROGRAM AND GET CHOICE MAKER FREE! DECISION MAKER will help you with "either/or"decisions. CHOICE MAKER is for when you need to choose between multiple items such as when you want to choose which brand or model of car to buy. DECISION MAKER IMPORTANCE POSITIVE POINTS IN FAVOR OF DECISION A IMPORT NEGATIVE AGAINST DECISION A) IMPORTANCE NEGATIVE POINTS AGAINST DECISION A IMPNA POSITIVE FOR DECISION B1 IMPORTANCE POSITIVE POINTS IN FAVOR OF DECISION B IMPPB NEGATIVE AGAINST DECISION B% IMPORTANCE NEGATIVE POINTS AGAINST DECISION B IMPNB This program helps you to make decisions by getting you to look at all the positive and negative factors involved in the decision and getting you to look at how important each of those factors is to you. It then calculates the most logical decision for you to make, based on your data and preferences. 1) Enter the two items you are trying to decide about. 2) Enter the positive factors in favor of Decision A. 3) Enter how important each factor is to you (from 1 to 10). 4) Press NEG A and enter the negative factors against Decision A. 5) Enter how important each factor is to you (from 1 to 10). 6) Repeat for POS B and NEG B. The program will then calculate the most optimum decison from your viewpoint -- it's that easy! DECISION MAKER Version 1.0 By Tony Rockliff If you like and use this program, please register it by sending $25 to: Tony Rockliff, 5412 Ocean View Blvd, La Canada, CA 91011 This way you can get the latest version with the manual and no annoying "nag" screens and also get notified about updates and Technical Support. I will also send you a copy of CHOICE MAKER absolutely free! Please send me any suggestions for improvements. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the program and get as much use out of it as I do. NOTES CLEAR NEGATIVE A POSITIVE B NEGATIVE B REGISTER OPENING Resume Print Link... Field Find... Field Show Tree